Our unique play-based curriculum is designed to nurture and accommodate each child's developmental needs and interests. Themes provide structure for daily lessons in a wide range of subjects including: socialization, reading, math, music, and science. Inspired by a variety of teaching methods and philosophies such as Waldorf, Montessori, and Reggio Emilia, Soaring Wings provides a diverse learning environment for children to explore, create, learn, and grow. Preschool children explore their imagination, learning through activities such as:
ABC Readiness
Math Readiness
Arts and Crafts
Colors and Shapes
Story Time
Dramatic Play
Seasonal Festivities & Birthdays
Music & Movement
Cooking & Baking
Gardening & Tending Chickens
Outdoor Exploration
Field Trips
Physical Development
Social & Emotional Development
ABC Readiness Children are taught the alphabet, letter sounds, shapes, flashcard vocabulary, and reading.Verbal participation in all facets of our curriculum are encouraged, helping children to overcome shyness, learn to speak clearly, increase vocabulary, and develop social skills.
Math Readiness We introduce numbers, colors, shapes, measurements, patterns, reasoning, sorting and classifying, sequencing, concepts of less or more, big or small, tall or short, etc.
Science Science is our attempt to understand the things we see - to make sense of the world around us. We learn by observing botany in the park, physics on the playground, exploration at the water and sand tables, chemistry in the kitchen, relativity in the block corner, meteorology at circle time, biology in Petco and our private garden.
Arts and Crafts Children will learn to express creativity by themselves as a result of recognizing colors, shapes, and working with paint, brushes, scissors, play doh, clay, pencils, crayons, markers, and more.
Story Time Children begin to develop listening skills and start to form concepts of print and word or picture relationships, furthering their desire to read and ask questions.
Dramatic Play Children can pretend to be anyone and do anything. That is powerful for our little learners. It is a place that promotes high-level thinking, problem solving, taking turns, and is rich in vocabulary. Children can learn and develop skills in all learning domains (language, literacy, math, science, social studies, fine motor. gross motor, and social skills) through pretend play.
Music & Movement Music and movement are fundamental aspects of children's play, so as they hear music, children have opportunities to enjoy moving, listening, and singing. Children not only hear music, but also experience emotional reactions to the rhythm and beat, which motivates and inspires movement and dance.
Yoga Children learn best through play and yoga provides an ideal channel for these high-energy kiddos. Yoga builds confidence, promotes a healthy body, improves concentration, helps children manage stress through breathing, promotes inclusivity, introduces children to mindfulness, helps develop languages and vocabulary (yoga for kids usually includes songs, story-telling and wordplay of fun), and improves coordination and balance.
Cooking & Baking Cooking and baking can help children learn and practice some basic math concepts and build language skills. And the experience of creating meals can help build self-confidence and lay the foundation for healthy eating habits.
Gardening & Tending Chickens In addition to teaching botany, biology, ecology, the life cycle, and the deliciousness of a fresh veggie picked from the garden, gardening also teaches children many skills, from problem solving, to planning and implementation, to patience, and finally how to appreciate and enjoy the satisfaction of hard work, a job well done, and the final product: delicious, nutritious fruits and vegetables. Children learn to care for animals by feeding our chickens, collecting their eggs, and putting down fresh straw in their nesting box.
Outdoor Exploration (weather permitting) Daily visits to local places like playgrounds, libraries, and the farmer's market gives children a broader sense of the world. We integrate with our community through local activities like visiting the Easter Bunny, Santa, and having fun with Halloween trick or treating, and taking part in Community Resources for Children (CRC) sponsored events.
Field Trips Seasonally, we take field trips to various bay area destinations, including: Safari West, Oakland Zoo, San Francisco Zoo, Chabot Space Museum, Discovery Museum, Children's Museum, Aquarium of the Bay, and local theaters. Physical Development Play is the most beneficial activity for promoting physical development. Children will learn what their bodies can do. They gain self-confidence, promoting social and emotional development. The peak of physical development happens in childhood and is therefore a crucial time for neurological brain development and body coordination. We will encourage activities such as:
Gross motor skillsinvolves balance and stability and enables babies to hold his/her head up, sit, stand, crawl, walk and later on to run, jump, hop, skip, kick, throw, catch and gallop.
Fine motor skillsinvolves using and coordinating the small muscles in the hand and fingers, such as grasping, reaching, writing, cutting, hand washing, using a fork or spoon, beading, lacing, moving puzzle pieces, zipping, buttoning and tying shoe laces.
Social & Emotional Development Strong, positive relationships help children develop trust, empathy, compassion and a sense of right and wrong. Since we are a home-based childcare, we have lower care provider turnover rates so there is continuity of care and routine. We show our children how to form friendships, communicate emotions, and cope with challenges.