For children ages two through five, SOARING WINGS offers a structured preschool curriculum provided to us by Mother Goose Time, a professionally planned preschool curriculum designed to be used in family childcare homes and centers. We supplement this curriculum with enriching activities ranging from arts and crafts projects to games, songs, finger plays, storytelling, creative dramatics, exercises, science, shapes, numbers, colors, alphabet, and much more through various monthly themes. Some of these projects will be taken home to share with you, and others will be group activities that you can ask about. At SOARING WINGS, toddlers and preschoolers start their day with Morning Circle Time, where the children join together to discuss a daily topic, the weather and the day's exciting activities. During this time, children learn to listen, share, take turns, cooperate, express themselves, and give and receive feedback, which gives them a chance to demonstrate what they are learning. We introduce one concept at a time in a logical natural sequence, so your child feels proud, not frustrated. We know that children learn best when they are actively involved. Activities are hands-on and unique, providing a balance of important preschool skills and knowledge. Our curriculum helps develop happy and confident children; children who smile while they sing, talk, dance, rhyme, count, play, create, and write. Your child will leave us well prepared for kindergarten and beyond, empowered to become a creative problem-solver and life-long learner.
- Mother Goose Time fulfills the Head Start Domain Elements, Standards, and Indicator Guidelines and is consistent with the National Association for the Education of Young Children Guidelines for curriculum content.
- Through encouragement we help each child in our care to build confidence and a positive self image, with constant clapping, hugging, and praise for their every accomplishment.
- By constantly listening, talking, describing objects, actions and their meanings, we help to expand your child's ever-growing vocabulary.
- Our child friendly backyard is equipped with lots of fun and safe age-appropriate playing equipment, which helps to build large motor skills.
- Sensory experiences are offered through such activities as rhyming exercises, reaching into the Mother Goose feel bag and cutting or painting a craft project.
- Circle time and various monthly storybook activities provide practice in language and listening skills.
- Important scientific investigative and observation methods are introduced through simple hands-on activities such as a sink or float experimentation and planting seeds.
- Numbers, letters, shapes and colors are introduced monthly with their use integrated throughout the activities.
- We provide a clean and well organized environment for your toddler and preschooler to grow safely.
- Books are always available for the children to look at, and story-time is presented many times throughout each day, allowing toddlers and preschoolers to experience the magic and wonder of books.
- Through music, song and dance we foster self-expression, and creative movement; while encouraging, group interaction, cooperation, and sharing.